Gas Inspections

Are YOU aware the British Compressed Gases Association Code of Practice CP7 and CP47 gives guidelines For annual inspection and Certification of all gas Equipment?

Have you had yours checked?

Contact our certified inspectors now to arrange your inspection and certification before it is too late!!

Our on-site gas safety equipment check will provide you with a full inspection by a qualified Inspector.
Mobile Welding Supplies ltd offers gas safety checks, compliant with BCGA* codes of practice. Our on-site gas safety equipment check will provide you with a full inspection by a qualified Inspector. During the inspection, the fully qualified engineer will carry out a thorough functionality and leak test of all components – regulators, flashback arrestors, hoses, torches and associated fittings. In addition, a report of their findings will be issued and the inspector will update you on current Health and Safety and BCGA Codes of Practice.

Gas equipment can be a hazard at work if it’s not maintained properly. Using unsafe equipment or failing to test equipment fully could result in accidents and serious injury in the workplace.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, an employer or self-employed person has a responsibility to provide and maintain plant and systems that are, so far as reasonably practical, safe and without risk to health
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, an employer or self-employed person has a responsibility to provide and maintain plant and systems that are, so far as reasonably practical, safe and without risk to health.

Statutory Instrument 1998 No. 2306: The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 requires that the user of an installed system and the owner of a mobile system shall ensure that the system is properly maintained in good repair, so as to prevent danger.

Statutory Instrument 2000 No. 128: The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 requires equipment to be examined regularly.

Consequently, gas welding and cutting equipment must be checked regularly.

The BCGA’s code of Practice 7 (CP7) (the safe use of oxy-fuel gas equipment) and Guidance Notes 7 (GN7) (the safe use of individual portable or mobile cylinder gas supply equipment) recommends that regulators and flashback arrestors be checked annually and replaced every five years. Checks need to be undertaken by a person who has sufficient practical experience of oxy-fuel gas equipment and theoretical knowledge of the functioning of the equipment, the properties of gases used, the potential defects and hazards that may occur and their importance to the integrity and safety of the equipment.

Contact us for more information.